Mid-year MAP testing will be held this week for students who were absent during last week's testing.
We will host a parent and family event on Tuesday, January 23 from 5:30-7:00. This is an event for families in all grades.
* Set up a Parent Canvas Account for streamlined communication.
* Learn practical home learning tips as well as our available homework supports.
* Gain insights into utilizing benchmark results for personalized support.
* Set up a Parent Canvas Account for streamlined communication.
* Learn practical home learning tips as well as our available homework supports.
* Gain insights into utilizing benchmark results for personalized support.
Your active participation is crucial—see you there!
Representatives from REaCH High School will be here on Wednesday, January 24 to share information about their school with eligible 8th graders. You can find out more about REaCH and how to apply at https://bit.ly/apply2REaCH Family interest meetings will be held in person at ICC Library Auditorium on February 6 and 7 at 5:45. A virtual session via Zoom will be held February 8 at 7:00pm. The deadline to apply for REaCH is February 23.
Sports Schedule:
Monday, January 22 Basketball at home vs. RS
Thursday, January 25 Basketball away vs. Crest
Looking Ahead:
There will be a Student Social on Thursday, February 15 from 3:00-5:00. Admission will be $5 and tickets will be sold beginning Monday, February 12. There will be music, snacks, time to be with friends, and the chance for students to compete in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament. In order to be eligible to attend, students must not have any full days in In-School Suspension or Out of School suspension from January 10 until the date of the event.