Our first week of school for the 2023-24 school year went very well. Thank you to students and staff for all you have done to help us get off to a great start.
Please be sure to complete and submit the beginning of the year paperwork as soon as possible. This includes a Student Information Sheet (pink) to provide us with updated contact information, school calendar, FERPA opt-out form, student medical history form, insurance information and form, and Parent Permission for Release of Information Form (this allows us to share student names/photos on our website or school social media).
If you would like for your child to take their iPad home, be sure to submit the iPad insurance fee of $10 per semester / $20 for the entire year. You may submit cash or checks made out to "East Rutherford Middle School."
Show your Viking Pride by ordering school spirit wear from Bradleys. Click the link below to order online:
Cross Country conditioning will take place on August 22 and 24 from 3:00-4:00. Practice officially begins next Monday, August 28.
There will be open gym time for students interested in Boys Basketball on Wednesday, August 23 from 6:00-8:00.